5 Benefits of Doing a Regular Detox
When it comes to your health, you may have lots of nutritional knowledge and watch everything you eat or maybe you are a junk food junkie not caring too much about what you put into your body.
When it comes to your health, you may have lots of nutritional knowledge and watch everything you eat or maybe you are a junk food junkie not caring too much about what you put into your body.
One of the hardest lifelong tasks is breaking bad habits and then learning new good habits and making them stick. Establishing new healthy habits takes commitment, self-control and self-discipline.
Do you wake up feeling groggy or have energy crashes during your day? Are you using caffeine and stimulants to push through your daily slumps?
When dealing with anxiety, depression, moodiness and irritability, what we eat and drink can have a huge effect on our emotional stability. There are many foods that we can consume to naturally support good moods and there are also things that we are drinking and eating that can affect our moods negatively.
As we are heading into February, the month of Valentine's and candy hearts, it is vital not to forget how important keeping our own heart healthy really is. Our heart is working so hard for us every single second of every single day for our whole lives so let's do all we can to show it the LOVE!
1. Stop fluctuating and start balancing | Get your blood sugar levels steady first by eating breakfast within a half hour of waking and then eat smaller meals more often or make sure you have healthy snacks every couple of hours. Eating a balanced meal while sitting down calmly is very important.
You know you would feel better...healthier, stronger and have more energy if you could stay on track with nutrition and a healthy lifestyle but, you don’t really know how to get on track in the first place.
Do you reluctantly wake up in the morning by being jarred awake from your deep slumber and sweet dreams by the loud beeping of your alarm? If you aren't ready to wake up, it can be one of the most annoying sounds in the world.
If you are suffering from fatigue and low energy, then it's all too familiar to be dragging through your day feeling groggy and foggy.
As human beings living in the modern day, we are constantly bombarded with toxins from so many directions. From the air we breathe to the food we eat and the products that we use on our bodies and in our environments, we are surrounded by man-made chemicals.
Today, I wanted to write about something that is such an important part of living the life that you deserve. I also have a fun and inspiring exercise to put it into action!
In our modern age, we are surrounded by toxins in almost every aspect of our life. Environmental toxins inundate us from all directions. From the air we breathe, to the water we drink, to the foods we eat, to the personal care products we use on our bodies and to the products we clean our houses with...toxins are everywhere.
It is such a drag to slog through the day feeling groggy and foggy. Feeling overwhelmed and under productive. And...feeling like you want to crawl back under the covers for a nice, long nap to catch up on the sleep you didn't get at night. I don't know about you, but when I used to go through my days dragging and tired, it put me in a really bad mood.
One of the questions that I often get asked as a health coach is 'what tips do you have for getting started on the path to making healthy change?' I love this question because making sure that you are establishing a strong foundation when you are first embarking on a healthy lifestyle journey is so important if you want to transform habits and your health and wellbeing.
Why is a balanced circadian rhythm ultra important to living a healthy and energized life? The circadian rhythm is the biological clock that influences all living organisms and is tied to the rise and the fall of the sun.
When you plan for your big trip, fun vacation, or family visits you don't plan on getting sick. But, lack of sleep and disrupted sleep patterns when crossing time zones, stress and germ invaders because of lowered immunity and increased exposure all set you up for the perfect breeding ground for viruses or infections.
“All disease begins in the gut”~Hippocrates
How you eat, when you eat and what you eat can be a powerful tool to optimize your sleep. Or if your nutrition and digestion are not optimized, it can go the other way and cause sleep issues leading to low energy during the day.
Hormones have a huge impact on sleep, your health and your energy as well as your overall well-being and longevity. And when your hormones are imbalanced, they can wreak havoc and negatively affect many aspects of your health.
It can already be challenging enough when dealing with weight gain and stubborn pounds that won't seem to budge, but did you know that toxic chemicals surrounding you in your environment could be a culprit in packing on the pounds?!
I love the expression...you can't pour from an empty cup. It is the absolute truth. If you are used to giving, giving, giving and never receiving nor taking the time to take care of yourself, then eventually you will get to the point where you don't have anything left to give.
Do you feel like you cannot get your brain functioning or your body moving without your morning coffee? Or perhaps you down a soda, an energy drink or more coffee for an afternoon pick-me-up?
Ignoring the pain does not make it disappear! Maybe you have already learned this lesson for yourself or maybe you have to be reminded.
This is way easier to say than to actually do for most of us! But...it really is so important to give ourselves a break from the endless cycle of thoughts that are spinning around constantly in our noggins.
Have you ever thought about what kind of mindset you have? As we go through life, it is easy to get stuck in the cycle of whatever works for us in the 'path of least resistance' sort of way.
Discipline can sound like such a harsh word as it usually carries quite a negative connotation.
Have you ever heard the term 'Eat the Rainbow'? I love this concept because it reminds you of how important it really is to eat a diverse and colorful range of fruits and vegetables in order to maintain optimal levels of health.
Stress, anxiety and overwhelm are a normal and inevitable part of life to a certain extent for most people. The important part, though, is what you can do to take action and manage how you deal with stress.
Many of us make health-related resolutions, such as to lose weight, stop smoking or joining the gym in order to improve our lives, our energy and our health. While it is common to set high goals, experts say that setting smaller goals could actually do more for our health in the long run.
Many different 'styles' of eating or diets around the world have been studied to determine the benefits to our health and the Mediterranean diet, which is the most researched, consistently comes out on top.
You may have been hearing a lot about the topic of self-care lately. And, for good reason--it is so important to focus on yourself along with your mental and physical health.
Being present, grounded, connected, embodied...what does that all mean?
“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”-Nikola Tesla
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