How to Make Healthy Habits Stick

One of the hardest lifelong tasks is breaking bad habits and then learning new good habits and making them stick. Establishing new healthy habits takes commitment, self-control and self-discipline.

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How to Use Food for a Better Mood

When dealing with anxiety, depression, moodiness and irritability, what we eat and drink can have a huge effect on our emotional stability. There are many foods that we can consume to naturally support good moods and there are also things that we are drinking and eating that can affect our moods negatively.

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Heart Health Nutrition for Abundant Energy

As we are heading into February, the month of Valentine's and candy hearts, it is vital not to forget how important keeping our own heart healthy really is. Our heart is working so hard for us every single second of every single day for our whole lives so let's do all we can to show it the LOVE!

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Top 10 Ways to Overcome a Sugar Addiction

1. Stop fluctuating and start balancing | Get your blood sugar levels steady first by eating breakfast within a half hour of waking and then eat smaller meals more often or make sure you have healthy snacks every couple of hours. Eating a balanced meal while sitting down calmly is very important.

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How Toxins Affect Your Sleep and What You Can Do About It

In our modern age, we are surrounded by toxins in almost every aspect of our life. Environmental toxins inundate us from all directions. From the air we breathe, to the water we drink, to the foods we eat, to the personal care products we use on our bodies and to the products we clean our houses with...toxins are everywhere.

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5 Common Causes of Low Daytime Energy

It is such a drag to slog through the day feeling groggy and foggy. Feeling overwhelmed and under productive. And...feeling like you want to crawl back under the covers for a nice, long nap to catch up on the sleep you didn't get at night. I don't know about you, but when I used to go through my days dragging and tired, it put me in a really bad mood.

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Starting the New Year Off Strong: Simple Tips for Making Healthy Change

One of the questions that I often get asked as a health coach is 'what tips do you have for getting started on the path to making healthy change?' I love this question because making sure that you are establishing a strong foundation when you are first embarking on a healthy lifestyle journey is so important if you want to transform habits and your health and wellbeing.

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Stay Healthy While Traveling

When you plan for your big trip, fun vacation, or family visits you don't plan on getting sick. But, lack of sleep and disrupted sleep patterns when crossing time zones, stress and germ invaders because of lowered immunity and increased exposure all set you up for the perfect breeding ground for viruses or infections.

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Stress eating...the right way!

Stress, anxiety and overwhelm are a normal and inevitable part of life to a certain extent for most people. The important part, though, is what you can do to take action and manage how you deal with stress.

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10 Small Steps for More Energy and Better Health

Many of us make health-related resolutions, such as to lose weight, stop smoking or joining the gym in order to improve our lives, our energy and our health. While it is common to set high goals, experts say that setting smaller goals could actually do more for our health in the long run.

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